In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Our Ref: HK-3/USAmb.091602.01
Dhaka, Monday, September 16,2002.
Muhtarema Ambassador Mary Ann Peters,
Embassy of the United States of America,
Madani Avenue, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212
Re: Your and President Bush's recent allegations against true Muslims
I, Kazi Azizul Huque the son of Kazi Abu Zafor Muhammad Abdul Huque, an obedient slave of Allah, with all humbleness and devotion to the Will of Allah, writing this letter as the sincere expression of my goodwill to the mankind who I believe is the progeny & family of Adam & Eve (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon them).
(2) Allah says in the Holy Quran :
"O mankind, fear your Guardian Lord Who created you from a single person (Adam), created out of him his mate (Eve), and from the two created and spread countless men and women ; fear Allah, through Whom you demand your mutual (rights) and be heedful of the wombs ; for Allah ever watches over you." (The Quran IV:1, Sura No..4, Sura Nisaa or Women, Verse-1). Allah's Messenger & Slave Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, who is the concluding seal of the Prophets of Allah, said : "Ad-Deen un Nasiha" i.e. "Religion is goodwill".
(3) Therefore, our revered Leader, Late Hazrat Maulana Muhammadullah Hafezzi Huzur said in many of his speeches : "Muslims are my religious kin. Non-Muslims are my family kin, because the whole mankind is the progeny and family of Holy Prophet Hazrat Adam and his wife Hazrat Hawa (Eve), Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them."
(4) Your name "Mary" refers to the name of Sura-19 i.e. ura Marium of the Holy Quran, which Sura was named after the name of Hazrat Marium, the Holy Virgin Mother of Holy Prophet Hazrat Isaa (Jesus) is one of the holiest and blessed women created by Allah. So you will be honored and be fortunate if your deeds are appropriate to your noble and blessed name.
(5) In the recent weeks we saw you in the media reports, addressing the Islamic clergy (18 August, 2002), speaking at round-table (9 September, 2002) etc. We understand, under policy of your government you are on a mission to draw your supporters from amongst the Muslims and the Islamic clergy to resist the emergence of Islam as the World Power. We think, it is another wrong policy of your government. It will further alienate you and your partisans from Allah. Your government will ultimately find it counterproductive, when it will be too late.
(6) When you are on quicksand, the more vigorous movement you make, the more quickly you are likely to die. The best way you can survive is to surrender to Allah, try to understand the Will of Allah, repent for your sins, become modest and non-arrogant, seek help of the divine, virtuous, righteous, non-communal spiritual people. May be only then Allah will deliver you honorably. The more you are adamant against Mollah Omar, Osama and the dedicated Muslims combatants, the more you are inviting the curse of Allah.
(7) About September 11, some researchers have found reference in the Holy Quran as follows (The Quran is divided in to 30 Parts called PARA and consisting of 114 Sura) :- 9/11 : Sura No.9 of Part-11 of the Quran reads : "Which then is best - one who lays his foundation on piety to Allah and His Good Pleasure, or one who lays his foundation on and undermined sand-cliff ready to crumble to pieces ? And it does crumble to pieces with him into the fire of Hell. And Allah does not guide people that do wrong." (The Quran IX:109, Para-11, Sura No.9, Name: Sura At-Tauba (i.e. Repentance), Verse No.109).
In the Arabic text of the above Verse of the Quran there are words "Zooroofin Harr...". The researchers referred it to be the name of the street on which the World Trade Center was standing. The researchers also referred Verse No.109 to the total number of WTC floors i.e. 109 floors. They also calculated number of Arabic letters in Sura No.9 from Verse-1 to Verse-109 = in total 2001, which the refer to the year of the event. English translation of the Quran is available world wide. You can check it yourself in any of the translations. Above information is important to those who believer in the Unseen and Supernatural beings.
(8) It is not believable that any group of living human being could hijack without any hassle 4 large passenger air-crafts within one hour from the same airport of the USA, and those passenger air-crafts could be piloted uninterrupted to hit specifically targeted buildings disabling all modern auto-piloting and radar electronics. It is believable that the only air-craft that crashed into the field of Pennsylvania might have been hijacked by human beings. The other 3 air-crafts which hit WTC and Pentagon were either hijacked by Supernatural power or were guided by you own NASA electronic devices to hit those targets to create excuse to hit the Talebans, Islam and True Muslims.
(9) The propaganda of your government is not believable. Well-informed Muslims know that after Israel, the government of Qatar is your government's most trusted partner in the region. Your government backed creation of Al-Jazeera TV through collaboration with the Emir of Qatar. The aim of broadcasting Osama's speeches through Al-Jazeera TV probably was to kill multiple Islamic enemies with one stone, i.e.
* to weaken the Muslims by inciting internecine fights between people and governments of the region and penetrating into them in the name of so-called 'democracy and civil society' to combat the indigenous Islamic values which are still surviving in the Arab societies.
* to promote a credible image of Al-Jazeera TV as the voice of Radical Islam to ultimately stab the radical Muslims on their back.
* to punch into the programs of Al-Jazeera TV such interviews, statements and materials which may ultimately serve the US interests by making believable US accusations against true Muslims (for example : soon after 9/11, Al-Jazeera TV broadcast speech of a so-called 2nd in Command of the Al-Qaeda who threatened further attack and called Americans to leave all high-rise buildings, etc.; recently they broadcast interviews with so-called Al-Qaeda fugitives who claimed to have planned 9/11), and so on.
Wise Muslims are aware about what is happening around. Your government will lately find that your "Al-Jazeera TV project" has also been counterproductive.
(10) Now PRESIDENT BUSH is about to launch massive military strike against IRAQ. Your government was with President Saddam Hussein when he used missiles and chemical weapons against Iran. At that time Iran was crying for Justice. Neither you nor any one in the UN entertained Iran's complain. You all were selling weapons and technology to Saddam Hussein as long as you thought those would be used against Iran. Because you wanted the Muslim states to fight each other and cancel each other out. But when you realized that your government's favorite "SADDAM PROJECT" turned to be counterproductive as SADDAM HUSSEIN turned into another hero of the Muslims hastening the progress of Islam towards World Leadership, you started calling Saddam Hussein a tyrant and complaining that he had used chemical weapons against Iran and may make and use Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) to destabilize the world ! When Saddam was truly a tyrant, you loved him to be so. Now when he has turned into a moral, ethical, religious and benevolent hero of the oppressed people and when he is loved not only by the masses of Iraq but also by the oppressed masses all over the world, you are calling him tyrant !!!
(11) How can we agree with the policies of your government ? If your government wants to take the teeth out of Saddam Hussein and Muslims, why not take out your won teeth first because your country already has the worst track record of using Weapon of Mass Destruction and threatening with WMD ? Only after then it may be reasonable for you to call to take the teeth out of both Israel and the Muslims simultaneously. One who teaches others something which he himself does not practice is called a hypocrite.
(12) About TERRORISM our Ameer-e-Shariah Hazrat Shah Ahmadullah Ashraf, the son of Mohammadullah Hafezzi Huzur (Peace be up on him), in his letter dated June 11, 2--2, to NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson wrote : "Your latest concern about so-called TERRORISM is also highly misleading. American and European governments for decades have been supplying money, arms, ammunition, secret information and political asylum to their favorite guerrilla groups against established state authorities all over the world." In fact, the very root of TERRORISM is inalienable part of current western values. Western values extend demonic culture by nourishing human ego & pride and thus spread arrogance, cruelty, violence, terrorism, hypocrisy, injustice, extravagance, misappropriation, fornication, abuse of women, abuse of children, abuse of freedom for propagation of pornography and cruelty, etc. On the other hand, True Divine Spiritual Religion of Islam inspires man to submit to One God, obey His Appointed Apostle, follow teachings of the Divine Scripture and life of the Apostle. Thus True Divine Spiritual Religion of Islam makes its true followers modest and submissive as well as steadfast and strong-willed. The deeper his/her Faith in the Unity of God, the stronger is his/her will power and patience. Therefore, it is wrong and misleading to accuse true pious Muslims of TERRORISM. We have no doubt that Mollah Omar and Osama are deeply believer, steadfast, calm, compassionate, strong-willed, patient, persevering true pious Muslim combatants who are committed to the fundamentals of Islam i.e. The Quran and the Life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him). They are simply unable to be TERRORIST.
Before I conclude, I want you to know that Allah is real. His Power is real. May be He has kept America as a preserved area for Himself. No outside force is required to harm America. Her harm is likely to come from within by Allah if she does not bow down. She is at the end even though she looks like she will be here forever. She is on her death bed. When Allah avenges His Commands to pass on America, all of you will be obliged to bow down. These are just not words. You are going to see these in the next few years, by the Will of Allah.
I pray to Allah and invoke His Blessings for the mankind to have His Divine Guidance to be truly Faithful and be virtuous and be compassionate to each other for the good of all.
Thanking you with best wishes and best regards.
I remain,
An obedient slave of Allah,
Kazi Azizul Huq, Secretary,
International Affairs Deptt.
314/2, J.N. Shah St., Kellar Morr, Lalbagh, Dhaka-1211, Bangladesh